Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Wind of Change

Even though I voted for Barack Obama, I would have voted for John McCain if the message had been the same! I vote according to my spirit and as I believe the Holy Spirit leads me. I listened to the issues and I look at the candidates back ground but I still vote according to the Spirit. Who would God have in place for such a time as this. Good, bad or indifferent! All things must be inorder so that scripture can be fulfilled.

I voted for Bush! Yes, I said it! Why? Because I distinctly heard God say that there has to be first a need for change before change can come! I have witnesses to verify that. The majority of my friends were angry with me and I lost a few. But some came back to say, I remembered what you said now I see what you mean.

Here's the awesome thing about this time in history! We are witnessing the answer or response from the heavens or universe to the cries of an oppressed, empoverished, desperate people due to the economic and/or socio-economic climate of our time.

You know what's going on in our world today! Be it wars, the oil crisis, high cost of food, terrorism, depressed economy, or the moral decay of youth we are clearly a nation a world in peril. It seems that when the masses cry out for help to change their current condition, then change comes. Look back in time into biblical history you will find a response came from heaven when the masses cried out.

What am i saying? When there is massive oppression, massive destruction, massive chaos, and massive suffering a change comes. When the atmosphere becomes charged and filled with the cries of the people then a change comes.

As a girl, I attended Bishop O'Dowd High School in Oakland, Ca. I remember it was in a math or science class that we talked about quantum physics in relation to the world. This was 10th grade! I remember my instructor talking about chaos (Chaos Theory). How the movement (chaos) of atoms due its sensitive nature causes a molecular vibration that in time changes matter (butterfly effect). I think it was Father Wahl who said that this vibration or movement causes wind and the wind is the seen evidence of a pending change. I remember him saying that without chaos or disturbance there can be no wind of change. So to that end I say the following.

The Biblically Historical Response to change:

The creation story
Genesis 1:2 says that the earth (world) was formless, void, and darkness was upon it.

The phrase without form (formless) comes from a Hebrew word meaning formlessness, confusion, unreality, emptiness, nothingness, empty space, and place of chaos. The response from heaven (universe) God was "let there be light! The word light is from a Hebrew word meaning light of day, dawn, life, prosperity, instruction.

It is my opinion that this is the first biblically historical example of heaven responding to the condition of chaos. Massive darkness, massive oppression yielded a response of light, hope. I say yes!

The story of Moses - oppression of the children of Israel while in Egypt and the rise or response to their cries in the person of Moses.
The story of Esther - the impending genocide of a people and their deliverence through the person of Esther
The story of Jesus - oppression of the Jews by Roman Empire and the rise or response to their depressed economic condition in the person of Jesus Christ.
I can only think of one example of current historical chaos and that is the Revolutionary War and the response from heaven in the person of General George Washington. There have been various examples of an economy gone wrong and abused people that has caused chaos and a movement. For example, The Indian Wars, Slavery, and The Holocust. We have not even looked at chaos in other countries China, Australia, France, Germany and Africa. There have been noted people that have been raised up for that time. While all of these atrocities affected people all over, it is the combination of woes which affect the masses that yields the response.

What am I saying? It has to be bad enough for all people to cry foul! Whites, Blacks, everyone! Everyone! even the last little Who in Whoville has to yelp! Why? Because it is that kind of vibration (chaos) that's needed to cause matter to change!

That's the brooding the bible speaks of in Genesis! It's the cries hoovering over head! Our collective cries meld together into one loud voice that shouts out for change and change comes!

I am not implying that President Elect Barack Obama is in any way the savior! He is a man who heard the call from heaven and responded by being ready for such a time as this! We are a people willing to accept his appointment because we have become desperate for change. It is this light, this hope that the conditions of life need and will change because of the unity of a people. A people willing to put aside their own idiosyncrasies and peculiar ways and attitudes to work together toward a common goal. We are our brother's keeper. We are socially, morally, and economcally responsible for each other and nothing can bring a people faster to surrender like a tradegy and a time of desperation.

I suffered and yet am suffering do to the previous election. If you look back a little farther you will see that desperation and desolation of times uncloked itself more than 40 or 50 years ago. Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan wouldn't do it, Kennedy and King tried to do it, Clinton was busy doing other things and Bush messed it up. So what now? Go back look at our current history and see if you do not find what I found. God is soveriegn! We must be ready! It's happening before our very eyes.

Sophia B. President (under construction)

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